We are a convenient, small-town office that specializes in the health of your teeth, inside and out. Our concern is with the inner workings of your tooth, including the nerves. We will treat the inside of your tooth if decay reaches past the outer layer of enamel. Contact our Endodontist in Sweetwater, TN, to help you reach your best oral health!

Your Endodontist

Meet Dr. Bonnie Boudreaux

Photo of Doctor Bonnie

Bonnie Boudreaux strives to help every patient get the endodontic treatment they need at Sweetwater Endodontics. She served for ten years in the army as a dentist then eventually as an endodontist. Whether it is an exam, a root canal treatment or retreatment, she has you covered! Whether you were referred by another care provider or are an incoming patient, all are welcome.

10 Years of Military Service

Locally Focused

Compassionate Care

Our Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide upbeat, friendly care to help you relax during your visit, while using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to give you high-quality treatment. We will explain everything before we provide your care so that you feel included in your customized endodontic treatment.

We’re Here for You

Quality Care You Can Count On

Welcoming New Patients

Welcoming New Patients

We are happy to welcome any incoming patients to our endodontic practice in Sweetwater, Tennessee.

Patient Portal

Patient Portal

View our patient portal if you are a regular visitor to our practice! We can help you stay on top of your endodontic care.

Friendly Team

Friendly Team

Our experienced team is always compassionate and caring, and we strive to give you professional care every time.

How Can We Help You?

Our Procedures

We offer the endodontic treatments you need to help you achieve your optimal health. Oral functions like chewing can be difficult when decay has managed to break past the outer layer of enamel and cause infection and toothache. Our endodontist and team will analyze your endodontic health to ensure that your whole tooth is healthy.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

If you have a toothache, our endodontist can remove the infected pulp from the inside of your tooth, and then fill it in with a composite to make it strong and healthy again.

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Advanced Imaging

Advanced Imaging

We use advanced imaging technology to provide the thorough periodontic treatment that you need. You can learn more about the tools we use once we discuss your treatment options.

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Patient Testimonials

Request an Appointment

Come visit Dr. Bonnie Boudreaux today for your endodontic care! We will be happy to help!